Research Shows Indoor Air Quality Is More Important Than Ever Before!

Research Shows Indoor Air Quality Is More Important Than Ever Before!

We all know that the quality of our air is important, but unfortunately the focus mainly lies on the outdoors. Indoor air is just as important. Figures from the World Health Organization show that — more than 4 million people die annually from poor indoor air quality. But what does this all mean? And how can you prevent poor indoor air quality inside your home?

What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality?

indoor air quality
The Air We Breathe

The potential causes of poor indoor air quality are numerous, and can be somewhat subject to the area you are in. For example; the air quality in older buildings can become affected by asbestos, which was used as a building material in older homes, but has now proven to be the cause of several types of cancer.

While asbestos is the most severe cause of indoor air pollution. There are more common causes can also contribute to air pollution inside the home. This includes irritants such as dust, and pet dander, but also excessive moisture and pesticides coming in from the outdoors by pest control companies using them around your home. Pest control is of course very important to keep pests at bay, and they play a factor in your air. As an example; your crawl space could be one of those places that are infested and have poor air circulating in the home. Poor HVAC or old HVAC systems can cause that.

What Are The Immediate Health Effects Of Poor Indoor Air Quality?

The immediate health effects of poor indoor air quality are quite widespread and unfortunately often ignored. Many people encounter symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, eye irritation, and coughing. Since these symptoms are quite similar to the symptoms of the common cold or a virus. Most people do not pay much attention to them until the air pollutant has taken hold within you.

It also needs to be noted that the severity of the symptoms caused by poor indoor air quality can be subject to your age, as well as any existing medical conditions. For example; if you suffer from asthma, then the symptoms you experience due to poor indoor air quality may be more severe compared to someone who does not have asthma.

Are There Long-Term Health Effects?

Yes, prolonged exposure to poor air quality can lead to some serious health conditions. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure to poor indoor air quality can lead to respiratory problems, cancer, and heart disease.

What Is The Best Way To Prevent Poor Indoor Air Quality?

Air Purification

One of the basics to prevent poor air quality indoors, is ventilation. Opening your windows and letting your home air out every now and again will have a dramatic effect on any indoor pollutants. Of course, if the pollution is coming from the outdoors, then an air conditioning system may be the best line of defense for you.

A good air conditioning system can filter out pollutants and irritants that are present inside your indoor air. Some specialist systems are equipped with special filters, subsequently filtering out pet dander, dust, and other allergens. It can also remove other pollutants such as bacteria and viruses, which is why having an air conditioning system is such a great idea.

It is also a good idea to have the air conditioning system serviced at least once a year. If too much dirt and grime is allowed to build up in your air conditioning system, then your air conditioning system could actually contribute to the problem. In short, make sure that your air conditioning is always well-maintained to keep getting the most from it.

Contact Armstrong Air today at 407-877-8090 for more information about air quality in your home.