How To Keep The Air In Your Home Allergen-Free?

How To Keep The Air In Your Home Allergen-Free?

Allergens can be a pain for anyone who suffers from severe allergies. As an allergy sufferer myself, I aim to keep my home allergen-free as humanly possible. But what are the best ways to keep your home friendly to allergy sufferers? Here are some tried, tested and approved methods to reduce allergens in your home.

Get An Air Conditioning System To Keep Your Home Allergen-Free


Modern air conditioning systems are brilliant at filtering out some of the impurities and allergens that may enter your home and that your have little control over; this includes dust and pollen. As such, putting an air conditioner in place is certainly no excessive luxury. In fact, it can reduce allergen-related symptoms dramatically.

Love Your Vacuum Cleaner

Clean House
Photographer: The Creative Exchange | Source: Unsplash

Did you know that carpets are a real attraction for dust mites? In fact, it is one of their favorite places to hide! As such, you should vacuum on a regular basis. Twice a week is usually the minimum.

Not all vacuum cleaners are made equally and some are more powerful than others. Many of the lightweight portable vacuum cleaners are easy to maneuvre, but they do not provide you with the power you need. So, always check the strength of your vacuum clean to ensure better dust mite removal.

Curtains Can Be A Problem

Windows Curtains Tbilisi
Photographer: Orlova Maria | Source: Unsplash

Your home may be squeaky clean, but have you ever thought about dust mites in your curtains? Much like carpets, heavy curtains are a big attraction for dust mites. Therefore, it can be better to choose some blinds, which are easier to dust.

If you do have some blackout curtains in the house – and do not want to get rid of them – you can avoid a pileup of dust mites by putting your curtains in the washing machine on a regular basis.

Clean Window Frames Thoroughly

Looking Out
Photographer: Vidar Nordli-Mathisen | Source: Unsplash

Window frames need to be maintained on a regular basis too, because they can attract unwanted mould and mildew. As the spores of mould and mildew can have a negative influence on your breathing, it is essential to prevent them rather than trying to remove them.

An area of the home that can be particularly susceptible to mould and mildew is the bathroom. Showers and baths specifically can be a major breeding ground, this due to the natural humidity that finds itself around those objects.

While there are many so-called wonder products for the removal of mould and mildew, bleach proves quite effective too. Leaving a small amount of bleach on mould and mildew will kill most of it, and any remainder you can simply wipe away. No scrubbing needed! Of course, always check the surface suitability before you use a strong product such as bleach on it.

Store Your Bed Linen Properly

If you have quite the selection of bed linen in your home, it important to store it properly to avoid an accumulation of dust and other allergens. Ideally, you want to store all your linen in a dust-proof bag. If you do not have one of those laying around, you can also vacuum seal in another bag.

Keep Your Windows Closed

Everyone who suffers from certain allergies to plant and tree pollen knows the pain of the summer season. You only need to step outside for your eyes to start watering and swelling. The constant sneezing does not help much either. So, how do you avoid those pollen from getting into your home.

First, let us state that it is near impossible to get all the pollen from your home. However, you can minimize their occurrence by keeping your windows closed. Pollen can also settle in your carpets and other fabrics around your home, so be sure to vacuum on a regular basis to avoid a pile-up.

Since it is easy for pollen to find their way into your home, an air conditioning system can pick up some of those pollen for you. While you can obtain some HEPA filtering devices, their capacity is never enough to cover your entire home. As you would have to purchase dozens of them and have them running at all times to get pollen out, an air conditioning system will be advised.

Air conditioning technicians will usually recommend an air conditioner with a MERV 11 or 12 rating; this rating refers to the holes inside your air conditioner. The smaller those holes are, the harder it is for pollen to make its way through.

To ensure proper pollen removal with an air conditioner, it may be necessary to clean the filter every couple of months; this depends on the air conditioning system you have. If you are unsure, you can always contact your local technician for advice.

Keep Humidity In Check

As we mentioned earlier, humidity can have quite the influence on your home where mould and mildew is concerned. Even though the bathroom is the most common problem area, all areas in your home can become a problem if you encounter high-humidity weather.

Some air conditioning systems will come with their own humidifier and dehumidifier functions, which ensure your home is always as comfortable as possible. If you have an air conditioner without these functions, you can also purchase a dehumidifier for the problem areas in your home. 

Call Armstrong Air today at 407-877-8090 to talk to one of our experts about how to purify the air in your home.