Things You Must Know How To Keep Your Home Cool In Florida.
Florida ranks as the hottest state in the USA, according to the stats by Current Results, a website dedicated to gathering data on weather in the United States. Therefore, it becomes a must priority for the residents of Florida state to keep their homes cool.
But with this priority comes another great hurdle: how to keep the costs down and save money while keeping your home sufficiently cool? Obviously, living in the hottest state in the US, and plus with the current season of summer, your house will convert from being “home sweet home” to “home hell home” if there is no proper air conditioning unit installed.
Air conditioners are one of the most used electronic utilities at homes in the summer months. By installing and using an AC unit, homeowners are concerned about only one thing: Raise in bills. Read through the following tips how you will keep your home cool in Florida.
AC Tips To Keep Your Home Cool In Florida
In this article, we will be guiding you through how you can keep your home cool in Florida while saving money at the same time. To begin with, it is really not rocket science to understand how you can achieve this goal. It takes just a little effort and responsibility on your end and you can enjoy a cool and peaceful home environment in the hottest weather in Florida, while also keeping your electric bill low.
The basic way with which you can begin saving money while keeping your home cool in Florida (or anywhere else in the world) is to avoid using AC’s excessively and every time you sit in the room. By reducing the time and usage of AC’s unnecessarily, you will already be saving a lot of money and resources.
This is important because it will not only save your money but it will also save electrical resources and you will be contributing to making an eco-friendly environment in a way. Some companies suggest using solar panels to power AC’s but this is really not a good idea, especially not in warm states like Florida. A solar panel of about 1 KW can make up to 5 – 6 units of electricity on a hot sunny day.
An AC unit consumes around 1 – 2 units in an hour, which means that a solar panel can only power an AC for 4 – 5 hours continually. While this option can be useful for such places where people gather, and do an activity not more than 4 to 5 hours, but not for a family home.
Another way you can keep your house cool in Florida state is to keep the hot air out of your home as much as possible while keeping chill AC air inside. You can do this by keeping windows, doors, and unnecessary openings closed at the hottest times of the day.
Proper insulation in your home also plays a vital role in saving cold air inside and keeping warm air outside. And besides all of these tips we have given you up till now for saving money and learn to keep your home cool in Florida state, none of them are as important as this last one.
This is to regularly check and keep up maintenance of your air-conditioning system at home. You need to make sure that your air-conditioning system is properly tuned up to face of the hot season without causing other expenses apart from bills (such as repairing).
Trust us, this will save you a lot of money as well as keep your cooling costs down because your AC will be working properly and will not charge excessively. Get in touch with an HVAC repairing service in Florida right away and keep your home cool in Florida.
For more tips or to learn more about air conditioner maintenance, call Armstrong Air &heating today at 407-877-8090.